SMTG--Iso-bel Aya Shermac Page 6
Leo-will smiled. "You definitely need this trip, then," he said. "We'll fly by Marc'harid and then I'll take you to Ulba'wis."
"I don't want to see what's left of it!"
"Don't you miss your family?"
"Then that's where you want to go to say a proper good-bye. I've been postponing this for too long myself."
Iso-bel glared at him, but he was an elder. She'd been taught to trust Sire elders like her grandfather, especially the ones with the gift of mind links.
They didn't talk much during the journey. Marc'harid was still a brown, scarred, waterless, dead ball orbiting around its sun, but in the silence surrounding it two years after the catastrophe, Iso-bel could finally hear voices.
It took some time to make sense of them. It felt as if the Sire minds were still lingering around their dead planet. She glanced at Leo-will who seemed to be listening to those ghosts too and saw him smile. Puzzled, she tried to sort the voices and find her loved ones.
Iso-bel, you're back! That was Dan-ylo's excited voice when she'd come back from her last long summer with Jes-syd and her friends, before leaving again for university.
You don't need to be so submissive, Aya. Women can be strong no matter their size or appearance. That was her mother, who always used her second name.
Iso-bel Aya Shermac, behave yourself. Her father's playful warning when she'd left for Sylvania.
She could hear them again. Every single word uttered under Marc'harid's once blue sky came back to her, as if it had been stuck into the ether for her.
Be a good girl, Iso-bel.
Enjoy your last long summer, Aya.
Don't do anything you'll regret. I know you're eighteen and you've been with Jes-syd for three years already...
Which doesn't mean she hasn't already done the nasty stuff! Don't worry, Aya, you'll be all right. Enjoy your trip.
Until the last message, the one that had crossed space to reach her on Sylvania.
We love you, Iso-bel Aya Shermac. We'll always be with you.
Tears started flowing down her cheeks, but she smiled.
I miss you all... but I'll learn to live without you.
Beta-readers Jennifer B, Chiara G, Anna L. and B-Abby P. Editor Tiffany Shand.
About the Author
Barbara G.Tarn had an intense life in the Middle Ages that stuck to her through the centuries. She prefers swords to guns, long gowns to mini-skirts, and even though she buried the warrior woman, she deplores the death of knights in shining chainmail. She likes to think her condo apartment is a medieval castle, unfortunately lacking a dungeon to throw noisy neighbors and naughty colleagues in. Also known as the Lady with the Unicorns, these days she prefers to add a touch of fantasy to all her stories, past and present – when she’s not wandering on her fantasy world of Silvery Earth or in her Star Minds futuristic universe. She’s a writer, sometimes artist, mostly a world-creator and story-teller. Two of her stories received an Honorable Mention at the Writers of the Future contest. She writes, draws, ignores her day job and blogs at:
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Did you love SMTG - Iso-bel Aya Shermac? Then you should read Star Minds Next Generation by Barbara G.Tarn!
Aristocratic adventurer on a starship called "outlaw".Raised as imperial prince, Shan-leo doesn't miss his former status. At twenty-two, he gets to define his destiny without being forced on a path traced by his family. Following his love for calligraphy, he discovers a black market of stolen manuscripts, which starts the adventure of a lifetime.The next generation of Star Minds is out in the galaxy.
Read more at Barbara G.Tarn’s site.
Also by Barbara G.Tarn
Future Earth Chronicles
Across Continents (Future Earth Chronicles Book 3)
Brainwaves (Future Earth Chronicles Book 1)
Wanderlust (Future Earth Chronicles Book 2)
Himalayas (Future Earth Chronicles Book 4)
Airships (Future Earth Chronicles Book 5)
Silvery Earth
Books of the Immortals - Air
Tales of the Southern Kingdoms vol.1
Tales of the Southern Kingdoms vol.2
Books of the Immortals - Earth
Books of the Immortals - Ether
Books of the Immortals - Fire
Books of the Immortals - Water
Chronicles of the Varian Empire - The Enlightened Emperor
Chronicles of the Varian Empire - The Left-handed Warrior
Chronicles of the Varian Empire - The Spell
Records of the Varian Empire
Allan de Sayek
Conall's sons
The Death of Queen Amazonia
The Warrior Woman
Amazon Sisters
Saif's Legacy
Male Lovers of Silvery Earth
Amazon Spring
Amazon Summer
Books of the Immortals
More Tales of the Southern Kingdoms - volume 1
Uncommon Amazons
The Hooded Man
Kilig's Heart (Kilig&Hakeem #2)
Hakeem's Rival (Kilig&Hakeem #3)
Kilig & Hakeem
Saif & Kilig
Kilig the Sword
The Young King
Two Tales of the Northern Kingdoms
Prince Splendor
The Archers
Amazon Fall
Cinder Boy
The Path of Water (Quests Book 1)
The Path of Fire (Quests Book 2)
Tales of the Northern Kingdoms volume 1
Tales of the Northern Kingdoms volume 2
More Tales of the Southern Kingdoms - volume 2
Male Lovers of Silvery Earth Volume 2
Fairy Tales Revisited on Silvery Earth
Tales of the Queendom of Maadre
More Tales of the Southern Kingdoms (One Volume Edition)
Tales of the Southern Kingdoms (One Volume Edition)
The Path of Air (Quests Book 3)
Quests Volume One: The Paths of Water and Air
The Path of Earth (Quests Book 4)
Quests Volume Two: The Paths of Fire and Earth
Talwar and Khanda - Assassins in Love
Saif's Story
Honorable Assassins
Axelle, Wanderer (Silvery Earth Heroines)
Royal Blood
The Complete Chronicles of the Varian Empire Box Set
Assassins Guild of Silvery Earth Box Set
Fall of the Southern Kingdoms
Angelica, Scholar (Silvery Earth Heroines)
Two Stories of the Varian Empire
Male Lovers of Silvery Earth Volume 3
The Sun Sword (Legends of the Moren Empire Volume 1)
Star Minds Italiano
Angelo Tecnologico (Star Minds #1)
Mercanti di Schiavi (Star Minds #3)
Star Minds - la trilogia
Stella Cadente
Legame Mentale (Star Minds #2)
Star Minds Frammenti - Donne
Star Minds Frammenti
Star Minds Universe
Technological Angel
Mind Link
Slave Traders
Star Minds - The Trilogy
Mind Control
br /> Shooting Star
Star Minds Snippets
Star Minds Next Generation
Star Minds Next Generation Diaries
Star Minds Next Generation - Kay-low
King of Music - Zaphadin
Star Minds Chasing Stardom
Star Minds Interregnum - Telepaths
Star Minds Interregnum - Galaxy Police
Star Minds Interregnum
SMTG - Iso-bel Aya Shermac
Star Minds Third Generation Snippets
Star Minds Starter
Adventurer (Star Minds Lone Wolves)
Pilot (Star Minds Lone Wolves)
Hacker (Star Minds Lone Wolves)
Thief (Star Minds Lone Wolves)
Mercenary (Star Minds Lone Wolves)
Freelance (Star Minds Lone Wolves)
Star Minds Lone Wolves Shorts
Star Minds Lone Wolves Team - Missions 1-5
Star Minds Lone Wolves Team - Missions 6-10
Star Minds Lone Wolves Team - Missions 11-15
Star Minds Lone Wolves Team - Missions 16-20
Star Minds Lone Wolves Team - Missions 21-25
Star Minds Lone Wolves Team - Missions 26-29
Terra d'Argento in italiano
Amori Maschili a Terra d'Argento
L'eredità di Saif
Smeraldo e Kyrio
Il giovane re
Saif e Kilig
Vampires Through the Centuries
Charioteer of Buddha
Kaylyn the Sister-in-Darkness
Kristine the Youngest
Norman Blood
Rajveer the Vampire
Shashank the Fledgling
Vampires Through the Centuries Novellas
Johnny & Marian
Six Months and Other Love Stories
Best of Friends
Ciaran & Harith
Happiness is...
Choices, Changes and Other Stories
Pat & Babs
Body Switches
Yash and Ryo Lost in the Milky Way
How to Publish Your Book in English When You're Not a Native Speaker
Openings - Writing Prompts
Today People
Soul Thieves
The Fern and The Cross
Joint Operations
Relationships (5 Short Stories of Love and Friendship)
Mumbai Dreams
Watch for more at Barbara G.Tarn’s site.