Amrendra Page 5
King Vijay pursed his lips, thoughtful. Kareena beamed, Prince Vivek looked satisfied, Prince Vasant only curious of the outcome. Harish kept staring at his feet, but his fingers were restless.
"If you never knew you had a twin, how can you be so sure this is your brother?" King Vijay asked. "Physical resemblance is not proof enough in my opinion. I hear the king of Rajendra has lookalikes and the king of Akkora made sure to locate all the men who even vaguely resembled him."
Rohit moved one step closer to Harish and grabbed his wrist, showing the malformed hand.
"My father told me of my lost twin's deformity," he said. "Although I have no conscious memories, I've always known there was more to me. This is my long-lost twin, and I have no doubt about his identity."
He heard Harish gasp and finally met his eyes. The twin looked scared.
"Don't you realize we look the same?" he asked him.
Harish shook his head. "I don't know. I have never had a mirror."
"Oh. We are twins," Rohit explained to him. "Your name is Rahul."
"No, I'm Harish."
"That's the name you were given after your were stolen from the Amrendran palace as a baby. Your real name is Rahul of Amrendra."
His twin frowned, trying to grasp everything, and then glanced at King Vijay. "So I'm free?" he asked, hopeful.
Rohit grinned. "Yes. I've come to take you home."
"And Kartik, too?"
"Uh... who is Kartik?"
"His lover," King Vijay spat with contempt.
"My savior," Rahul corrected frantically. "Can he come, too?"
"Of course," Rohit said after a brief hesitation. They'd sort it out with their father. His twin's relief was overwhelming – he could feel it like his own.
Kartik was released and taken to the great hall by silent guards. He didn't dare ask them, but he hoped Harish had found a way out of King Vijay's room.
Harish brightened when he saw him, Kartik felt tattered and dirty noticing how the jester looked more and more like a prince. Harish wasn't wearing a turban, but his elegant clothes were slightly different from the other courtiers. And next to him stood his perfect lookalike, with shorter hair and a look of nobility that showed he was a true prince – and Harish's identical twin.
Kartik bowed at both, a little puzzled by the resemblance, and apologized for his poor state.
"You shall bathe in Amrendra," Harish's twin said. "I need to take Rahul back as soon as possible."
Kartik looked at Harish. "Rahul – would that be you?"
"Yes." Harish nodded with an embarrassed smile. "I'm not a jester any more. They tell me I'm really Prince Rahul of Amrendra – and this is my twin brother Rohit."
Startled, Kartik bowed again, more deeply, at both. He followed them to the courtyard, still incredulous at Harish's new status. The former jester let his twin do the talking with King Vijay.
Then Harish took Kartik's hand and guided him to the royal wagon. It was filled with plush cushions and other commodities. They sat together in a corner and Harish nestled against him like he used to, uncaring of his silken clothes against Kartik's dirty and tattered tunic.
"What will your brother think of us?" Kartik asked, his heart swelling with gratitude at the obvious display of affection in spite of his sorry state.
"I don't care." Harish shrugged. "He's kind, but he's still a stranger. I don't care what he thinks of me."
"But he saved you from King Vijay... I still can't believe how identical the two of you are."
"Are we, really?" Harish asked, worried.
"Hopefully they'll provide you with a mirror and you'll be able to see for yourself." Kartik chuckled. "A prince... oh, my, that's a long way from being a jester!"
"And I still want you by my side," Harish declared with renewed trust. "As a councilor, a bodyguard... but mostly in my bed."
"As you wish, your highness," Kartik teased. He really, really wanted to kiss Harish, but didn't dare. He was dirty and unshaven and King Vijay had hurt his beloved and...
Suddenly Harish kissed him, ignoring his beard. The wagon started moving and when Harish let him go, Kartik realized Prince Rohit was sitting in front of them with an amused smile on his face.
"I'm sorry, my lord, I didn't mean to..."
"I believe it was Rahul who started the kiss," Rohit replied, glancing at his twin. "He obviously trusts you more than he trusts me, so I guess I'll have to welcome you to the family on behalf of our father the king."
Kartik nodded, speechless. Harish chuckled and squeezed him.
"You'll see how good-looking he is when he's not locked into a cell," he told his twin. "But don't you dare steal him from me!"
"I'm married and not interested in men," Rohit retorted. "And I sure hope you'll stay away from my wife when we get home."
"I'm not interested in women," Harish informed him with a satisfied smile. Then he lost himself in Kartik's eyes.
Twin Royalty
Harish didn't let go of Kartik, not even when they reached the royal palace of Amrendra. He followed his twin outside of the wagon, holding Kartik's hand and squeezing it in awe and apprehension at the sight of the three-story building of gray stone decorated with vines instead of sculptures. The leaves were turning from green to orange and red, making the bulky palace with its tall, arched windows very colorful.
He followed Rohit inside, walking on soft carpets all the way up the central grand staircase and to the second floor, where Rohit opened a door for him.
"This is your room," he said with a smile. "It used to be mine, but I've moved into my wife's bedroom. Our apartments are beyond that door." He pointed at a wooden door further down the carpeted corridor. "I will let you and Kartik refresh yourselves. Tonight you will meet our father at the family table."
"Can I bring Kartik?" Harish asked, worried.
Rohit smiled. "I have welcomed him into the family, haven't I? You still have to prove me he's good-looking, though. The bath chamber is ready. See you later."
With a final wave towards the room, Rohit left to go to his own apartment.
Harish entered the plush anteroom and looked around in awe. "Where is everything?" he asked.
"If you stop trying to break my fingers, maybe we can have a look," Kartik said, amused.
"Oh." Harish let go of his hand. "Sorry," he grumbled, clapping his hands together and looking around again.
Kartik went to the door on the right and peeked beyond.
"Bedroom," he announced. "Big plush bed."
"Mm..." Harish thought about King Vijay's big plush bed and shivered while Kartik passed behind him to check the other door.
"Bath chamber!" he exclaimed, relieved. "Will you excuse me? I most certainly stink."
"Sure," Harish answered absentmindedly.
He walked to the balcony and had a look outside. The back of the palace opened on a luxuriant, unwalled garden that faded out in a forest on the right side of the balcony. Leaning on the left side, Harish caught a glimpse of the sea. The wind brought whiffs of salty air mixed with the fragrance of unknown flowers.
Harish wondered if the big room would be another gilded cage. He took a look at the bedroom – heavier curtains and more carpets, not too much like King Vijay's – then decided to join Kartik in the bath chamber. He wasn't as filthy as his lover, but he badly needed to try to relax before meeting the rest of the royal family.
Kartik was furiously scrubbing himself clean.
"I don't see any mirrors or razors, so I hope a barber will show up," he said while Harish undressed to join him in the big pool.
"I probably need a shave, too. Do you think they'll cut my hair?" he asked, entering the warm water and sitting next to Kartik who passed him the soap.
"Your twin and all the men we've met so far have short hair," Kartik replied. "Which, I guess, would make you look more manly. Although if you keep your hands on me all the time, the effect will be lost."
Harish was about to protest
when he realized Kartik was teasing. He threw water in his face, but entwined his leg between Kartik's.
"What can I say, you seduced me thoroughly," he said, blowing Kartik a kiss.
Kartik chuckled. "Naughty jester, you're the prostitute." He quickly kissed him, then resumed scrubbing his skin. "I wonder what the king will say about us. I thought only the Lakeshian court allowed same-sex love."
"King Vijay is disgusting." Harish shivered at the memory.
"I heard his son is much like him," Kartik replied. "Yes, the very same Prince Vivek who saved you. You're lucky you're not his type."
"I wish Rohit had left us more privacy on the way here," Harish grumbled. "Now I'm too nervous to do anything."
"If you keep your hands off of me in front of your father, I promise I'll make it up to you when we retire to sleep."
"Oh, Kartik, what if they don't let us be together?"
"Harish, you worry too much. Just relax. Everything will be fine."
Harish sighed, but tried to obey. Before he could come up with another doubt or objection, a knock on the door introduced two servants with clean clothes and the much needed razor.
"I was asked to cut your hair, your highness," said the servant who was also the barber. Harish looked at Kartik, dismayed.
"It's just hair," Kartik smiled. "If they throw you out after tonight, it will grow back."
Harish sighed, but sat on a stool to be groomed for the royal dinner. The barber also cut Kartik's hair and shaved both of them with quick efficiency. The servants then helped them into their new clothes, which were slightly different and far more complicated to wear than the jesters' attire.
"What's with all these buttons?" Harish blurted out as the servants retired with deep bows. "It will take forever to take these clothes off!"
"I should have stolen the razor, since I've lost my throwing knives." Kartik grinned.
"You wouldn't dare ruin such precious clothing!" Harish scolded him. "What if they don't give you more? Besides, you look great in them!"
He stared fondly at his beloved who now looked even nobler than Prince Vivek.
"You are the most handsome man I've ever met," he declared, hugging Kartik.
Kartik chuckled and held him tight as he sought his lips.
Someone clearing his throat broke their long kiss, and Harish saw Rohit had entered their room.
"If you're both ready, the time has come," the prince announced with a smile.
Blushing, Harish let go of Kartik and followed his twin, still holding one of Kartik's fingers with his malformed hand. It was exhilarating to be the one who led the way after being dragged here and there for months.
One finger was no longer enough when he entered the room where the extended royal family of Amrendra had their meals. Harish frantically grabbed Kartik's hand again as he followed Rohit to the long table facing the door.
"Ouch," Kartik whispered in his ear as they stopped in front of the guests. Harish relaxed his grip, but didn't let go as two pairs of gray eyes studied him from two identical faces.
"Father, Uncle, this is Rahul," Rohit announced. "If he looks terrified, it's because he is. He has grown up as a jester and still can't believe he is actually a prince."
"I'm not terrified!" Harish protested, although he was. "And I'm not used to being called Rahul. I was Harish until just a few days ago when you showed up at the Lakeshian court!"
His outrage had overrun his shyness, but a quick squeeze from Kartik's hand calmed him.
"I'm sorry," he grumbled, staring at his feet. "I'm not used to royalty."
"You will have to get used to it, and to your new name."
Harish had no idea which of the two identical kings had spoken, but he didn't look up. He heard the man rise and walk around the table to reach him. When a pair of feet stopped in front of his, a hand slid under his chin and forced him to look up.
"It is a miracle," the king said. His eyes filled with tears. "Welcome back, Rahul."
Still puzzled, Harish found himself locked in a bear hug.
"Father, I don't think he realizes it yet," Rohit said. "Hence the mirror."
The king let go of Harish and quickly wiped away his tears of joy.
"Yes. Please, Rahul, go with Rohit to that mirror."
Startled, Harish followed the king's pointing hand and saw a big framed mirror standing against the wall. Unconsciously, he let go of Kartik's hand, fascinated by the expanse of polished silver that reflected one of the chandeliers from where he stood.
Rohit gently led him closer and Harish saw his own reflection for the first time. A reflection in water or distorted and limited to Kartik's blades wasn't like looking at himself in a mirror. Incredulous, he stared at his twin and then at the identical faces looking back at them, one obviously upset and the other smiling. They even wore the same clothes, albeit in different colors.
"Welcome home, Rahul," Rohit whispered.
Harish gulped his anguish. How would he deal with this new life?
Kartik's heart swelled with pride as Harish was introduced to the members of his real family. The shy smile proved he was still nervous about the whole situation, and he seemed to relax slightly only when they sat side by side at the table covered with food.
Kartik didn't speak, but observed the royal family of Amrendra trying to put their long-lost member at ease. Often Harish's eyes searched his for comfort, though, and he made sure to flash a reassuring smile at his beloved every time.
Harish's shyness made him quiet, barely answering the direct questions or commenting on the food, especially the strange dishes he'd never seen or tasted before. Kartik could feel his tension, though, and met Rohit's knowing stare as Harish leaned back with a sigh at the end of the long meal.
"I think my twin brother is tired, from the journey and the novelties," Rohit said. "He should retire now. We can see him again tomorrow."
Harish shot a grateful stare at him as the king nodded his approval.
"Sweet dreams, Rahul," the queen said with tears in her eyes.
Harish rose and bowed stiffly, then tried hard to exit the room at normal pace. Kartik grabbed his wrist to slow him, but once they were out of the door, they glanced at each other, then raced to their room, reaching it at the same time.
Still panting, Harish headed for the bedroom and slumped on the bed.
"Oh, Gods, what a day!" he exhaled, staring at the carved wooden ceiling.
Kartik sat next to him.
"Not used to a real family, are you?" he asked, amused. "The poor queen was so happy to have her son back, and you treated her like a stranger!"
"But they are strangers!" Harish protested. "You're the one I've known the longest here!"
"But they are your family," Kartik chided. "They love you anyway."
"You left your family." Harish stared at him accusingly. "So it can't be that good."
"I grew up with my family. I left them because I wanted to earn my independence, but sometimes I still miss them. When we were touring with Master Zahin, sometimes our path would cross and I'd spend an afternoon catching up with them. I know my sisters got married and my father died..."
"You have sisters?" Harish sat up to stare at him, puzzled.
"Yes. Did you think I was all alone in the world?"
"I don't know." Harish lowered his eyes. "I guess I imagined you were an orphan like me, just older and more independent. I envied your freedom."
"Well, now you're free. You need to get to know your family. You'll have to learn new skills for your new life..."
"What new skills?" Harish asked, alarmed.
"I don't know what princes do, but I'm sure you'll have to learn to read and write at least."
Harish moaned in disappointment and slumped back down.
"Will I be allowed to keep dancing?" he whined.
"Probably, although maybe not the belly dance." Kartik grinned, starting to unbutton Harish's vest.
"Why not?" Harish protested
"I don't see it fitting for any court. But your acrobatic abilities might be useful if they decide to train you as a warrior. The sword dance is not the same as what you normally do, but you can probably become proficient at it." He patted Harish's chest as the vest slid open.
Harish rose and took off the vest and pants, and then began to unbutton Kartik's vest, frowning in thought.
"So who's going to keep calling me Harish?" he whispered in a worried tone while Kartik took off his vest.
"I will," Kartik promised. "Although you should get used to your real name. Rahul of Amrendra, prince heir and future twin king. How does that sound?"
Harish grimaced in disgust and took off his shirt and underwear, sliding under the bedsheets.
"What's wrong with Harish the Jester?" he asked.
Kartik finished undressing and joined him on the bed, taking him in his arms.
"Nothing. But I think Harish the Jester died in King Vijay's room. Prince Rahul is free to choose whoever he wants to sleep with. Which one sounds better to you?"
"Oh." Harish's smile blossomed again. "I guess Prince Rahul is better, then. And he demands you stay in his bed forever."
Kartik chuckled. "As you wish, your highness!"
Harish put his arms around his neck and kissed him.
"I love you, Kartik."
"Love you too..."
Rohit thought his twin was a puzzle. They might share the same features, but they didn't really communicate. And while they felt how the other felt, at least as basic emotion, they didn't know each other at all.
Rahul was surprisingly shy for a street performer, although he was probably just quieter than Rohit. He wasn't used to talking much and certainly took orders better than he could give them. Of course he couldn't read or write or hold a sword in combat, but Rohit managed to learn more about his jester life after a few days of prodding.
Rahul was struggling with the alphabet as they sat together in the palace library. He couldn't concentrate, so Rohit suggested they visited the armory and try his fighting skills. Rahul meekly followed him, but brightened only at the sight of throwing knives.